cleanDocs Mobile: a new approach to mobile metadata management
4 February, 2015—DocsCorp, a global leader in productivity software for document management professionals, announced today at LegalTech NY the release of cleanDocs Mobile, a complement to its next generation metadata management software—cleanDocs Desktop, which was released earlier in the year.
cleanDocs is built on a series of new technologies pioneered by DocsCorp that have enabled a new approach to protecting organizations from unintentional information leaks—unified metadata management. The solution consists of two modules, cleanDocs Desktop and cleanDocs Mobile, which can remove more than 100 metadata types from documents at sub-second speeds, eliminating bottlenecks and reducing lost productivity for desktop and mobile users.
Details of cleanDocs Mobile
cleanDocs Mobile protects mobile users by automatically cleaning all documents based on preconfigured metadata management policies. Documents cleaned at sub-second speeds and tight integration with MS Exchange Server ensure the prompt delivery of emails with minimum risk of failure or shutdown of the email system.
cleanDocs Mobile provides Protection for mobile users
Mobile email is on the rise, and so are the dangers of metadata leaks as more people use smartphones and tablets to send email. cleanDocs Mobile ensures all attachments are cleaned of metadata before sending.
Sub-second cleaning
cleanDocs Mobile is blisteringly fast, cleaning documents at sub-second speeds.
Policy-based cleaning by cleanDocs Mobile
IT Administrators can establish enterprise-wide metadata policies to ensure all documents are cleansed of metadata automatically when sent from a mobile device.
Minimize risk of email downtime using cleanDocs Mobile
cleanDocs Mobile integrates with MS Exchange Server to ensure a superior user experience while minimizing bottlenecks and possible shutdowns of the email system. cleanDocs Mobile works intelligently with Exchange to ensure prompt email delivery.
Clean documents once
cleanDocs Mobile ignores documents that have been cleaned by cleanDocs Desktop, emailing them without delay.
Link to DocsCorp press release page with full details: http://www.docscorp.com/en/about-us/docscorp-press-releases/cleandocs-mobile-metadata-management-removal